Обзор Cagiva Gran Canyon 900

Обзор Cagiva Gran Canyon 900

new collection 1

Основная информация
Модель: Cagiva Grand Canyon 900 I.E.
Год: 1997
Тип: All-round
Двигатель и привод
Рабочий объем: 904 см 3
Тип: V2
Тактов: 4
Мощность: 73.00 л.с. (53.3 кВт)) @ 8000 об./мин.
Крутящий момент: 78.00 Нм (8.0 kgf-m / 57.5 ft.lbs) @ 5500 об./мин.
Клапанов: 2
Охлаждение: Воздушное
Коробка передач: 6 скорости
Привод: Цепь
Вес: 193 кг
Высота по седлу: 825 мм
Скорость и ускорение
Макс. скорость: 200.0 (124.3 mph)
Мощность/Вес: 0.3782 л.с./кг
Передний тормоз: Двойной диск
Задний тормоз: Один диск

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Извините, но данный раздел находится в разработке, пожалуйста, зайдите чуть позже

Обзор Cagiva Gran Canyon 900

Cagiva Canyon 900, также известный как Cagiva Gran Canyon — породистый итальянский туристический эндуро с претензией на внедорожность. Точнее, на вседорожность — в мире мотоциклов это точный аналог «паркетника» из мира автомобилей. Этот мотоцикл создавался для дальних поездок по самым разным дорогам, от автомагистралей до сельских грунтовок и грейдеров.

Этот мотоцикл был разработан совместно с концерном Ducati, и об этом родстве красноречиво говорит 900-кубовая L-образная двойка воздушного охлаждения, позаимствованная у Ducati 900SS и оснащённая инжекторной системой впрыска топлива. Двигатель тяговит и вообще неплох, он выдаёт 68 л.с., правда, при этом он производит шума не меньше, чем штатный выхлоп — привет знаменитому десмодромному приводу клапанов от «Дукати». Зато 6-ступенчатая КПП обеспечивает Cagiva Canyon 900 отличную разгонную динамику на любой передаче. Максимальная скорость — 225 км/ч.

Cagiva Canyon 900 — мотоцикл для людей с ростом выше среднего. Большая высота по седлу, вес в 220кг и высокий центр тяжести как бы намекают, что нужно твёрдо дотягиваться обеими ногами до земли, чтобы справиться с этим байком. Конечно, на ходу это неважно, но стоит съехать с асфальта на грунт, как вышеупомянутая особенность сразу даст себе знать. Зато сидеть на Cagiva Canyon 900 удобно в том числе и вдвоём — второму номеру достаточно места, чтобы не чувствовать себя, как птица на жёрдочке, а сиденья довольно удобны, да и подвески не подкачали.

К слову, о подвесках. Они — сильная сторона Cagiva Canyon 900. Достаточно жёсткие для того, чтобы обеспечить хорошую управляемость и необходимую остроту управления при агрессивной езде, они в то же время достаточно мягки для того, чтобы не обращать особого внимания на качество дороги. Конечно, на шоссейной резине далеко по грязи не уехать, но по разбитому асфальту мотоцикл едет, как по рельсам.

Ветрозащита Cagiva Gran Canyon нареканий не называет. Особо высокие райдеры, ростом выше 190см, могут испытывать дискомфорт из-за потока ветра в лицо, но проблема решается установкой более высокого ветрового стекла. Да и выглядит мотоцикл из-за небольшого и аккуратного переднего обтекателя лаконично и красиво. Уж в чём — в чём, а в отсутствии вкуса итальянских дизайнеров обвинить было никогда нельзя.

Взять с собой много полезной нагрузки в путешествие не составит труда. Стоит установить боковые рамки и центральную площадку под кофр, и Cagiva Canyon 900 сможет увезти с собой не только мотоциклиста и его пассажира, но и сотню литров груза, а запас хода в 250-300 километров при крейсерской скорости в 120-130 км/ч позволит не тормозить на каждой первой заправке.

Конечно, не обошлось и без минусов. Тормоза. Всё, что о них можно сказать — то, что они есть. В штатном режиме всё нормально, но в экстренной ситуации их катастрофически не хватает. Впрочем, это, пожалуй, единственный серьёзный недостаток Cagiva Canyon 900, и исправить его можно заменой тормозных шлангов на армированные. Идеально, конечно, не станет, но торможение станет заметно более прогнозируемым и предсказуемым.

В целом можно сказать, что Cagiva Gran Canyon 900 — неплохой и сбалансированный туристический эндуро, и он представляет собой достойного конкурента другим, более популярным моделям. А его редкость в наших краях для некоторых является не минусом, а плюсом — всё-таки многие мотоциклисты любят выделиться из толпы себе подобных.

New Motorcycle Review : CAGIVA GRAN CANYON 900

By Nicholas Frankl

You may well have read about this bike over the last few months . It’s big , long , red and has a rather nice Ducati 900 motor out of the Monster . I too had read a review , and although excited about riding the bike , I have to confess that I was missing the buzz when it arrived .

Зачем, you might ask and a suitable answer I’m afraid I don’t have , only that when I saw it , I didn’t know what it was trying to be , and why it existed in the first place .

Ask an R1 rider why his bike exists and you’ll get a pretty good idea-if a short reply . Ask a Hog rider and he/she will most likely laugh . Even an Africa-Twin owner would give you pointers .

But ask a Gran Canyon owner and I suspect he maybe somewhat flummoxed . The reply might include , though not be necessarily limited to ; ground clearance , комфорт, rideability , commutability and reliability . It may also contain the word power , for the bike is quick , responsive to throttle input and very tractable around town .

Visibility may , слишком, come up unsurprisingly , as the thing is sat on a spring so large and tightly wound that even 90 Kg/190pounds cannot dampen it’s enthusiasm .

What you won’t get is a definitive answer . Does that matter ? I really don’t know , because lots of other scribes ( all more profound than me ) have heaped praise upon the Canyon .

I though , just couldn’t get on with it and not because it’s a sports bike with 120bhp and 1 mile wheelieing capability , as I can’t and don’t DO that .

I like to think I can assess any vehicle on its particular merits . I once even tested a Trabant along Budapest’s cobbled streets ( you know the ghastly East German plastic thing U2 made famous ) and even found merits in it’s pitiful existence .

Let’s start on the negatives . The bike is too tall . I am 6ft 2ins with boots on and even I had trouble making surefooted ground contact on occasions . The bike is not comfortable .

The back position is good and nice ‘n straight but the rest is a no-no . The rear bag attachment plate is next to useless as it has no place for hooks etc and lacking a pillion strap across the seat also means travelling with a spare helmet is damn fiddley . The riding position combined with the bike’s height makes cornering kind of weird although the on-road ( as opposed to off-road ) tyres actually make for easy execution .

On the good side the bike looks wicked . The front lights are cool , and effective too , the twin fuel caps are gimmicky but different ( do they actually do anything ?) and the engine and gearbox match seamlessly to provide quickish acceleration and clutchless shifting .

Cagiva tell me I am the first to find fault with the Canyon . In my defence this was the first such bike I have tested , although I am still unsure as to what it is and where it fits . What I will say is that if you are either 6ft4ins or wear 4ins heels , commute everyday , need to occasionally jump onto pavements or over other vehicles , enjoy a good view or two and like a bit of speed thrown in – then take a look at Cagiva – you will have found your soulmate .

New Motorcycle Review : CAGIVA GRAN CANYON 900

By Nicholas Frankl

You may well have read about this bike over the last few months . It’s big , long , red and has a rather nice Ducati 900 motor out of the Monster . I too had read a review , and although excited about riding the bike , I have to confess that I was missing the buzz when it arrived .

Зачем, you might ask and a suitable answer I’m afraid I don’t have , only that when I saw it , I didn’t know what it was trying to be , and why it existed in the first place .

Ask an R1 rider why his bike exists and you’ll get a pretty good idea-if a short reply . Ask a Hog rider and he/she will most likely laugh . Even an Africa-Twin owner would give you pointers .

But ask a Gran Canyon owner and I suspect he maybe somewhat flummoxed . The reply might include , though not be necessarily limited to ; ground clearance , комфорт, rideability , commutability and reliability . It may also contain the word power , for the bike is quick , responsive to throttle input and very tractable around town .

Visibility may , слишком, come up unsurprisingly , as the thing is sat on a spring so large and tightly wound that even 90 Kg/190pounds cannot dampen it’s enthusiasm .

What you won’t get is a definitive answer . Does that matter ? I really don’t know , because lots of other scribes ( all more profound than me ) have heaped praise upon the Canyon .

I though , just couldn’t get on with it and not because it’s a sports bike with 120bhp and 1 mile wheelieing capability , as I can’t and don’t DO that .

I like to think I can assess any vehicle on its particular merits . I once even tested a Trabant along Budapest’s cobbled streets ( you know the ghastly East German plastic thing U2 made famous ) and even found merits in it’s pitiful existence .

Let’s start on the negatives . The bike is too tall . I am 6ft 2ins with boots on and even I had trouble making surefooted ground contact on occasions . The bike is not comfortable .

The back position is good and nice ‘n straight but the rest is a no-no . The rear bag attachment plate is next to useless as it has no place for hooks etc and lacking a pillion strap across the seat also means travelling with a spare helmet is damn fiddley . The riding position combined with the bike’s height makes cornering kind of weird although the on-road ( as opposed to off-road ) tyres actually make for easy execution .

On the good side the bike looks wicked . The front lights are cool , and effective too , the twin fuel caps are gimmicky but different ( do they actually do anything ?) and the engine and gearbox match seamlessly to provide quickish acceleration and clutchless shifting .

Cagiva tell me I am the first to find fault with the Canyon . In my defence this was the first such bike I have tested , although I am still unsure as to what it is and where it fits . What I will say is that if you are either 6ft4ins or wear 4ins heels , commute everyday , need to occasionally jump onto pavements or over other vehicles , enjoy a good view or two and like a bit of speed thrown in – then take a look at Cagiva – you will have found your soulmate .

Cagiva Grand Canyon 900 I.E. 1997

Основная информация
Модель Cagiva Grand Canyon 900 I.E.
Год 1997
Тип Allround
Рейтинг 68.1 out of 100.
Двигатель и трансмиссия
Объем 904.00 ccm (55.16 cubic inches)
Тип двигателя V2, four-stroke
Мощность 73.00 HP (53.3 kW)) @ 8000 RPM
Крутящий момент 78.00 Nm (8.0 kgf-m or 57.5 ft.lbs) @ 5500 RPM
Максимальная скорость 200.0 km/h (124.3 mph)
Количество клапанов на цилиндр 2
Система охлаждения Air
Коробка передач 6-speed
Тип трансмиссии Chain
Шасси, подвеска, тормоза, колеса
Тормоза, передние Dual disc
Тормоза, задние Single disc
Вес, сухой 193.0 kg (425.5 pounds)
Отношение мощность/вес 0.3782 HP/kg
Высота сидения 825 mm (32.5 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.

Колл-центр 24 часа. Любые вопросы от тех. консультаций до помощи с оформлением заказа.

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Cagiva Gran Canyon 900ie Adventure Bike

Adventure bike,triumph tiger, bmw gs 1150, bmw gs 1200

Price: £1,699.00
Condition: Used
Item location: Colchester, United Kingdom
Make: Cagiva
Year: 2000
Mileage: 18,900
Color: White
Engine size: 900
Power: 73
Gears: Six-speed manual
Start type: Electric start
Drive type: Chain


great bike with the air cooled 900 Ducati engine . same as Ducati 900ss 900 Monster

recent MOT . expires 19th sept 2015

Engined serviced and new belts fitted . runs sweet

New Motobat gel battery fitted

upgraded starter circuit electrics from the states. /p>

17′ front rim fitted which give a better choice of tyres for the road

both rims are akron rims so tubeless tyres can be fitted. /p>

Paint work ok but does have some bad bits . /p>

seat a bit tatty around the edges. /p>

slight pitting to stanchions but doesn’t effect the seals swept area

would make someone a great winter bike or a nice adventure touring bike for the summer

speedo reads mileage in Km which is 30000km = 18900 miles

sorry no service history but do have the owners manual

top box not included unless full price is agreed

New Motorcycle/Review


By Nicholas Frankl
European Correspondent.

You may well have read about this bike over the last few months. It’s big, long, red and has a rather nice Ducati 900 motor out of the Monster. I too had read a review, and although excited about riding the bike, I have to confess that I was missing the buzz when it arrived. Why, you might ask and a suitable answer I’m afraid I don’t have, only that when I saw it, I didn’t know what it was trying to be, and why it existed in the first place.

Ask an R1 rider why his bike exists and you’ll get a pretty good idea-if a short reply. Ask a Hog rider and he/she will most likely laugh. Even an Africa-Twin owner would give you pointers. But ask a Gran Canyon owner and I suspect he maybe somewhat flummoxed. The reply might include, though not be necessarily limited to; ground clearance, comfort, rideability, commutability and reliability. It may also contain the word power, for the bike is quick, responsive to throttle input and very tractable around town. Visibility may, too, come up unsurprisingly, as the thing is sat on a spring so large and tightly wound that even 90 Kg/190pounds cannot dampen it’s enthusiasm.

What you won’t get is a definitive answer. Does that matter? I really don’t know, because lots of other scribes (all more profound than me) have heaped praise upon the Canyon. I though, just couldn’t get on with it and not because it’s a sports bike with 120bhp and 1 mile wheelieing capability, as I can’t and don’t DO that.

I like to think I can assess any vehicle on its particular merits. I once even tested a Trabant along Budapest’s cobbled streets (you know the ghastly East German plastic thing U2 made famous) and even found merits in it’s pitiful existence.

Let’s start on the negatives. The bike is too tall. I am 6ft 2ins with boots on and even I had trouble making surefooted ground contact on occasions. The bike is not comfortable. The back position is good and nice ‘n straight but the rest is a no-no. The rear bag attachment plate is next to useless as it has no place for hooks etc and lacking a pillion strap across the seat also means travelling with a spare helmet is damn fiddley. The riding position combined with the bike’s height makes cornering kind of weird although the on-road (as opposed to off-road) tyres actually make for easy execution.

On the good side the bike looks wicked. The front lights are cool, and effective too, the twin fuel caps are gimmicky but different (do they actually do anything?) and the engine and gearbox match seamlessly to provide quickish acceleration and clutchless shifting.

Cagiva tell me I am the first to find fault with the Canyon. In my defence this was the first such bike I have tested, although I am still unsure as to what it is and where it fits. What I will say is that if you are either 6ft4ins or wear 4ins heels, commute everyday, need to occasionally jump onto pavements or over other vehicles, enjoy a good view or two and like a bit of speed thrown in- then take a look at Cagiva- you will have found your soulmate.

Cagiva 900 Gran Canyon –>

Un article de WikipГ©dia, l’encyclopГ©die libre.

Cagiva 900 Gran Canyon version US

Cagiva 900 Gran Canyon
Constructeur Cagiva
AnnГ©es de production 1998 – 2000
Type Trail
Moteur et transmission
Moteur(s) bicylindre en V Г 90В°, 4 temps refroidi par air et huile
Distribution 2 act desmo, 2 soupapes par cylindre
CylindrГ©e 904 cmВі (92 x 68 mm)
Puissance maximale 73 ch Г 8 000 tr/min ch
Couple maximal 8 mkg Г 5 500 tr/min kgв‹…m
Alimentation injection Г©lectronique Weber
Embrayage multidisque Г sec
BoГ®te de vitesses Г 6 rapports
Transmission par chaГ®ne
Vitesse maximale 180 km/h
Cadre, suspensions et freinage
Cadre pГ©rimГ©trique
Suspension avant (dГ©battement) fourche tГ©lescopique в€… 45 mm (170 mm)
Suspension arriГЁre (dГ©battement) monoamortisseur (170 mm)
Frein avant 2 disques в€… 296 mm, Г©triers 2 pistons
Frein arriГЁre 1 disque в€… 240 mm, Г©trier 2 pistons
Poids et dimensions
Roue avant 100/90 x 19
Roue arriГЁre 150/70 x 17
Empattement 1 550 mm
Hauteur de selle 825 mm
Poids Г sec 193 kg
RГ©servoir (rГ©serve) 20 в„“ (4 в„“) litres

La 900 Gran Canyon est un modГЁle de motocyclette, produit par la firme italienne Cagiva.

La Gran Canyon apparaГ®t pour la premiГЁre fois au salon de Cologne en 1996 en tant que remplaГ§ante de la 900 Elefant. De lourds soucis financiers font qu’il faut attendre le dГ©but de l’annГ©e 1998 pour que les premiers modГЁles arrivent en concession. Moins tournГ©e vers le tout-terrain que sa devanciГЁre, la Gran Canyon prend le phГ©nomГЁne de mode actuel oГ№ les trails s’orientent vers un usage plus routier.

Elle est motorisГ©e par un bicylindre en V d’origine Ducati de 904 cmВі, alimentГ© par un systГЁme d’injection Г©lectronique Weber. Ce moteur offre 73 chevaux Г 8 000 tr/min et 8 mkg de couple Г 5 500 tr/min. Il possГЁde les culasses du mГЄme moteur Ducati en configuration 750 cmВі qui a des plus petites soupapes que les versions du 904 cmВі utilisГ©es sur d’autres modГЁles Ducati. Cette configuration est censГ©e favoriser les reprises Г bas rГ©gime.

La fourche tГ©lescopique est estampillГ©e Marzocchi, tandis que le monoamortisseur provient de chez Boge.

Le freinage est confiГ© Г Nissin, avec deux disques de 296 mm Г l’avant et un disque de 240 mm Г l’arriГЁre, pincГ©s par des Г©triers double pistons.

Le cadre est entiГЁrement revu par rapport Г l’Elefant, ainsi que l’échappement. Le collecteur avant maintenant libГ©rГ© du berceau de cadre qui l’entravait passe par le dessus de l’embrayage, se frayant un passage qui facilite un passage Г deux silencieux.

HГ©ritage des Elefants engagГ©es au Paris-Dakar, le rГ©servoir de 20 litres est en fait l’accouplement de deux demi-rГ©servoirs. Cette disposition permet de pouvoir continuer Г avoir de l’essence si, lors d’une chute, un cГґtГ© du rГ©servoir est percГ©. Utile dans le dГ©sert, ce montage se rГ©vГЁle fastidieux au quotidien, puisqu’il faut remplir successivement les deux demi-rГ©servoirs. Le haut du rГ©servoir est donc ornГ© de deux bouchons.

Elle a Г©tГ© dessinГ©e par Pierre Terblanche au CRC (Cagiva Research Center Г Saint-Marin).

La version destinГ©e aux Г‰tats-Unis possГЁde des clignotants diffГ©rents ainsi qu’un dispositif pour rebrГ»ler les gaz d’Г©chappement.

Pour son lancement, et Г l’occasion de la Coupe du monde de football de 1998, l’importateur franГ§ais, la SIMA, propose une sГ©rie limitГ©e appelГ©e В« Coupe du monde В». Ce modГЁle diffГЁre du modГЁle standard par sa peinture, bleue et rouge. Un exemplaire de cette machine a Г©tГ© offert Г chacun des 22 joueurs sГ©lectionnГ©s.

La 900 Gran Canyon cГЁde sa place au sein de la gamme Cagiva en 2000 Г la 1000 Navigator. La fourniture des moteurs du Gran Canyon faisait partie de l’accord de vente de Ducati par Cagiva. Ducati ayant dГ©veloppГ© le Multistrada, n’a pas souhaitГ© renouveler l’accord (renouvelable en cas d’accord des deux parties). Cagiva s’est donc tournГ© vers Suzuki, la Gran Canyon devenant ainsi la 1000 Navigator avec le moteur de la TL1000S modifiГ© au niveau des arbres a cames, de l’injection et des Г©chappements, ainsi qu’une jante avant de 18 pouces.

Подбор мотошин для Cagiva Gran Canyon 900

Подбор мотошин для Cagiva Gran Canyon 900:

Подбор мотошин для мотоцикла Cagiva Gran Canyon 900

Безусловно есть большая разница между мотоциклами с разной комплектацией. На мото с полной комплектацией и максимальным объёмом двигателя вероятность возможности установки колёс большего радиуса гораздо выше.

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8 (495) 989-14-12

Авиамоторная, 65с1
8 (495) 989-14-12

Быковская, 11
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Дорожная, 12
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Заводская, вл11
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Красная 1лит2К
8 (495) 989-14-12

5-я Доможировская, 4
8 (495) 989-14-12

Минеральная, 6
8 (812) 242-81-10

Рабочая, 7Л
8 (812) 242-81-10

Шефская 3М
8 (343) 288-72-78

Королёва, 5/2
8 (863) 333-28-30

проспект Стачки, 292А
8 (863) 333-28-30

Лесотехникума, 49/1А
8 (347) 229-47-33

Сельская Богородская улица, 27А
8 (347) 229-47-33

Новоуфимская, 18
8 (347) 229-47-33

Западная 5А
+7 3473 30-60-09

Дачная, 59
8 (8182) 60-88-18

Портовая, 1
8 (8184) 54-87-78

Questions & Answers for: Cagiva Gran Canyon 900 T ft 2000

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

Gran canyon repair

gran canyon repair I am looking for a shop/repair manual for a 2000 gran canyon. I also need to know what size drive chain I need to replace the old one. the chain size is a 525. pain in the butt to .

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

Gran Canyon suddendly stopped – fuel in tank,

Gran Canyon suddendly stopped – fuel in tank, sparks, but now no “Erggh, erggh” sound on start up, which I think is the solenoids on the fuel injection (?) so suspect the relay. Do you agree, and if .

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

no spark Hi, Bikebandit if you have a CKP sensor it needs compression to send the correct signal to the ICM/ECM, make sure both spark plugs are in heads and use a grounded third plug to check for .

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

Iwant to improve the performance of the bike.Is there a epron(chip) that enhances this?

. and have a nice day. Cagiva Gran Canyon 900 MAGNUM Performance Motorcycle Spark Plug Ducati Eprom software Part 1 on cagiva gran canyon wmv Cagiva Gran Canyon 900 1998 2000 Service Repair Manual .

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

Quick release at bottom of gas tank leaks.

Quick release at bottom of gas tank leaks. I replaced the rubber rings on the male end. Even when disconnected it leaks. Urggh. Hi, Ward for this situation I would call my local dealer or reputable .

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

Torque setting of disk brake bolts

. ft-lbs. 12.7mm-110nm For more information about your issue, please visit the websites below. Good luck and have nice a day. CAGIVA GRAN CANYON 900 1998 2000 Review Motorcycle Specs Cagiva Gran Canyon .

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

Service manual for the battery

service manual for the battery Hi, Anonymous I am sorry you can’t find the first and best tool you ever bought for your Cagiva but despair not for a mere $10 you can download another one. For more .

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

Idle adjust

idle adjust Hi, Anonymous I am sorry you can’t find the first and best tool you ever bought for your Cagiva but despair not for a mere $10 you can download another one. For more information about your

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

Manual free

manual free Hi, Anonymous I am sorry you can’t find the first and best tool you ever bought for your Cagiva but despair not for a mere $10 you can download another one. For more information about your

Question about 2000 Gran Canyon 900 T

Cagiva gran canyon wiring diagram

cagiva gran canyon wiring diagram Hi, Anonymous I am sorry you can’t find the first and best tool you ever bought for your Cagiva but despair not for a mere $0 you can download another one. For more .

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